Exclusive look at my brother’s WEIRD Tintin comic
Very exciting news, Tintinheads!
I recently uncovered some pages of a fanmade Tintin comic my younger brother made when he was about ten years old.
Will was a keen amateur comics artist when he was younger and I’ve previously reviewed his extensive Doctor Who comics on my Youtube Channel, but this is the only-known surviving entry from his Tintin series.
The story, which appears to be set in Australia, features many of the characters we’ve come to love, as well as the reappearance of one of the secret agents from Tintin in the Land of the Soviets. What exactly is he doing in Australia? I can’t tell you, as I can barely-understand what’s happening panel-to-panel.
I’ve arranged the pages as best I could, but I can only assume there are some previous pages missing as, Tintin appears to start off stranded on a boat, but I can’t confirm. When I asked Will for some context, he shrugged and responded, “Mate, who knows?”