Happy 92nd Birthday, Tintin!
And many more!
Yes, January 10th 2021 officially marks 92 years since Tintin first appeared in the pages of Le Petit Vingiteme, a fictional reporter “sent” by the real-world newspaper to investigate life in the Soviet Union Make sure you check out my podcast episodes on both Tintin’s first adventure and how the iconic character came to be.
While Tintin’s appearance and the nature of his adventures have changed over the years, his popularity is ever-enduring. Below, I’ve created a quick collage I made for the podcast’s Instagram page (@tintin.podcast) depicting some of his most notable adaptions across media.
I hope you’ll join me in wishing a very happy birthday to one of the most significant characters in the history of comics and the world’s only 92 year-old boy scout!
See you in 2021 with more podcast episodes!
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1929)
The Castafiore Emerald (1960)
The Crab with the Golden Claws (stop-motion film, 1947)
Tintin and the Temple of the Sun (animated film, 1969)
The Adventures of Tintin (animated series, 1990-1991)
Tintin: Destination Adventure (Windows/ Playstation, 2001)
The Adventures of Tintin (animated film, 2011)
Tintin Match (ios/ Android, 2020)
PS: I foolishly omitted Jean-Pierre Talbot, star of the live-action Tintin films of the 1960’s. Forgive me, Talbot fans.