17 - Tintin on Stage || Radio Tintin
Lucien Peppermans as Tintin (seated in car), “returning” from the Soviet Union.
Daubert, Michel, and Hergé . Tintin: the Art of Hergé. Abrams ComicArts, 2018.
Henri Dendoncker as Tintin, “returning” from the Congo, 1931. The two boys to Dendocker’s left appear to be dressed as Quick and Flupke.
Goddin, Philippe, and Michael Farr. The Art of Hergé: Inventor of Tintin. Volume 1, 1907/1937. Editions Moulinsart, 2008.
Promotional print images for Tintin in India, 1941.
Promotional poster for Mr Boullock’s Disappearance and promotional stills of Roland Ravez as Tintin, 1941.
British promotional image for the Tintin albums, along with an advertisement for Tintin’s Great American Adventure (1976) and promotional still for Tintin and the Black Island, staring Richard Drabble as Tintin (1980).
Both plays were adapted by Geoffrey Chase. The woman in the secondary image is ‘Olga’, a character created specifically for the play.

Still from the very successful Kuifje – De Zonnetempel musical (2001), staring Tom Van Landuyt. The play was planned for a huge run in France, but ran into sudden financial difficulties.
Scene from Dominique Catton’s stage adaption of The Castafiore Emerald. Note Snowy being operated by Tintin’s ‘shadow’.

Stills for the British musical play Herge’s The Adventures of Tintin, starring Matthew Parish as Tintin (2007).